Rating System

The rating system at MickHappyReviews.com is fairly simple. Here's how it works:

5 Mick Happies: This is great, excellent in fact. I am most-likely going to a) talk about it to people I know and b) watch/read/play it over and over again.

4 Mick Happies: This is very good, okay really good. There are probably a handful of things to quibble over like standing around in elevators (Mass Effect) waiting for levels to load.

3 Mick Happies: This is good. A little better than average. I am happy to have experienced it, but likely won't worry about experiencing it again.

2 Mick Happies: Seriously? This was not good. Umm, I probably finished it though.

1 Mick Happy: Most likely I did not finish this. If I needed to know how it ended I probably read it on wikipedia. Even if wikipedia has it wrong, it was better than spending the time to actually finish.

Most reviews I post will be in the 3 - 5 Mick Happy range. Unless there is a public service announcement needed on something (1 Mick Happy), I tend to like things and the reviews will reflect that.
